27 months



Start Date

£ 9,405

Tuition Fee



English, Portuguese or Spanish


Course Overview


Our BA in Design will equip you with the skills and knowledge to find new solutions for global issues in Design. Our course plan has been devised through a strategic decision to align academic disciplines with professional specialisations in global markets.


The course prepares professionals for several Design areas, offering an advanced and comprehensive higher education, coordinated and supported by the latest developments in the scientific and technological fields.


Our teaching staff are composed of qualified, experienced teachers who are experts in their field. Besides holding a Doctorate level academic degree, they have well-established professional careers, bringing together their academic expertise and knowledge of the job market.


LSDM’s students are supervised on a weekly basis through a Tutor Centre composed of a team of specialised tutors in Design, with Master’s degrees and several years of proven experience. Our Tutor Centre is also available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


Our Bachelor’s degree in Design is aimed at students, professionals, artists or freelancers with ambition or an established career in advertising (art directors, producers or designers), visual design, communication design, graphic design and interactive design (designers, producers, team leaders, art directors or creative directors). After successful completion, students will have the opportunity to work in areas such as visual communication agencies (advertising, design) product design, communication design, and interactive design.

An opportunity to study online works perfectly for me.
I love doing weekly assignments and sharing my thoughts and impressions about the lesson on the forum with other students and our tutors. I especially remember the implementation of the first projects at the beginning of the studies. Until that time, I had not had to study either abroad or online, so it was challenging for me, but with the help of tutors who are always in touch, I could do it.

Anastasia Zharkova
BA Design Student

Experienced Teaching Staff

Our teaching staff are highly qualified, experienced teachers who are experts in their field. Besides holding a Doctorate degree, they have well-established professional careers, bringing together their academic expertise and knowledge of the job market.

Advanced Learning Techniques

LSDM’s programs benefit from advanced teaching techniques, such as digital teaching and scenario simulation. Such technologies are student-centred, focusing on the learning experience, and provide teachers and students with interactive tools that prove fundamental in e-learning actions.

Accelerate Your Career

LSDM’s courses have been designed with a vocational approach in mind, which allows the students to be ready to face the job market and/or reach successful careers.

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